1) Revise, Expand and Refine your Essay. Final drafts are due Tues!
To receive credit drafts must be 900 words muinumum, use 4 sources minimum, include quotations, citations and a works cited page.
2) Think through the resources you will need to write your "food philosophy final" - This weekend is your last chance to add to the class list of acceptable documents.
I'm working on the list of acceptable "other" articles; Here are a few interesting ones:
Here is the "Slow Foods" Philosophy.
The Weson Price Foundation puts out its "Principal's of a Healthy Diet" for free.
"What if Its all been a Big Fat Lie?" - From the NYT in 2020 - Gary Taubes on low-fat vs. low-carb
Interesting info on the "Paleo" or "Primal" diet - a diet based on the idea that human's evolved to eat in a different, pre-agricultural, way than we do today - can be found here
Information on the benefits of "going vegan" - eating a diet with no animal products at all - can be found here.
Here's an article on raw foodism from the NYT, called "Totally Uncooked"
Management - Parenthood
7 years ago
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