
Monday, April 11, 2011

Assignments April 12 - April 28th

Tues, April 12th - Final (printed and stapled) versions of your Heritage Papers are due at 9:30 AM. Remember to bring all of your sources (print them out and record the URL or bring in the books) so that you can create a Works Cited Page during class. 

Homework (due 4/14) -
  • Read Chapter 2 of Fast Food Nation.

Thursday, April 14th - I will be away, but Dr. Jacquline Jones will come in to screen the film, Supersize Me.  Be sure to take careful notes. 

Spring Break Homework (due 4/26) -
  • Write and post on your blog a 300-word personal response to your reading in Fast Food Nation and the film Supersize Me.
  • Read these articles and opinions about a proposal to ban the sale of soft drinks to those paying with food stamps.  Before class, decide which of the opinion pieces you've read seems to make the most sense to you - and be prepared to explain why!
LIBRARY VISIT - 4/28 - BE sure to meet outside the library at 9:15 sharp.  If you are late, we are in the classroom to the left of the security desk at the main entrance. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Peer Review

Today's Project:

Part One
Peer Review - You'll be carefully reviewing and commenting on the drafts of 2 classmates.  You are expected to point out all the strengths of the paper. You must also make at least one suggestion for improvement in each category (there are six given on the form).  This is a chance to help each other "upgrade" your papers - think of even your seemingly 'negative' comments for what they are - powerful bits of information that could potentially help raise your classmate's grade!!!!

Use this link to access the peer review form. 
Resave it first with a new name on your own google docs, or cut and paste as a word doc. 
Fill it in giving clear feedback and specific examples
You MAY NOT write ANYTHING on the other student's paper. 
Print out your edits and give them to the teacher.  The other student will get this feedback on Thursday....not today!  

Part Two

Reading and editing other people's writing can give you "fresh eyes" with which you can look at your own essay.   You are assigned the following task: Write at least 300 words answering these same six questions about your own writing (as a blog entry).  Try to imagine someone else wrote them...don't skim. 

On Thursday, you'll get your peers' feedback to compare and contrast with what you noticed.  This is often a really interesting experience.